How can a travel clinic help prevent travel illnesses?

How can a travel clinic help prevent travel illnesses

Traveller’s diarrheoa is the most common affliction that affects UK residents visiting other countries. Most studies agree that around 20% of tourists worldwide suffer from this condition because they are not used to the local food or water. But you can easily prevent it with a quick visit to a London travel clinic before your flight.

For instance, the travel clinic London can prescribe Bismuth subsalicylate or other related medication. But, of course, it’s not foolproof since taking Pepto-Bismol can give you a protection rate of about 65%.

But the travel clinic in Tolworth, for example, can prepare a checklist or give you sound advice to ensure you maximise your vacation time abroad.

Here are some ways travel clinic services will help prevent travel-related illnesses:

1.    Adequate travel vaccinations. Each country you visit presents unique health issues that are too risky to ignore. For example, tropical countries typically have typhoid fever, hepatitis, malaria, cholera, dengue, and leprosy. So, you must visit your local London clinic to get the proper travel vaccinations before flying out.

2.    Prescribe preventative medicines. Similar to the medication protecting you from traveller’s diarrheoa, the travel clinic can also prescribe other drugs based on your overall health condition. Again, they go beyond what you can purchase from the local chemist, as their doctors will recommend pharmaceuticals you might not have even considered.

3.    Advise on fully protecting yourself if you have pre-existing conditions. The travel clinic London will design a preventive plan based on your medical history. The plan may include travel vaccinations, medication, or a do’s and don’ts checklist. You must bring your lab tests and diagnoses for a more accurate and effective strategy.

4.    Create protocols for specialised care. If you are pregnant, a pensioner, immuno compromised, or have some disability, you definitely need a program that centres around ensuring your health and safety while overseas. Travel clinic services will also teach preventive measures if you have asthma, blood disease, or a mental health disorder. So, you may need additional vaccines or medications, which allow you to enjoy your time abroad without any episodes.

5.    Provide critical guidance on food and water-borne diseases. Depending on where you are going, a host of potential diseases await you. For instance, you may be vulnerable to hepatitis if you eat from street hawkers who do not practice safe hygiene in food preparation. Also, the travel clinic has an updated list of bacteria and viruses you might get from drinking local water, such as polio, cholera, dysentery, or schistosomiasis.

It’s not only traveler’s diarrheoa you must worry about, especially if you visit a tropical country. Indeed, the pristine beaches, cheap food, warm weather, and the endless sun may seem like a paradise to Londoners. But you need to be aware of the dangers that lurk underneath.

Forget the money you may spend on the doctor and medicine. Instead, just consider the fact that you won’t get to enjoy your vacation with your family or friends because you are sidelined by sickness.

So, before going on a trip overseas, you must first visit a travel clinic in Merton or Tolworth, such as the Pearl Chemist Group, and arm yourself with adequate protection to return home healthy and safe.


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