How Often Should I Get a Comprehensive Health Check?

How Often Should I Get a Comprehensive Health Check

A comprehensive health check is an extensive procedure that helps determine a person’s overall condition. The aim is to intercept diseases while it’s still early so that interventions can immediately be adopted. But unfortunately, most people often ignore the routine process until it’s too late.

The Office of National Statistics revealed that nearly 3 in 10 deaths in Great Britain are avoidable through primary care intervention.

Regular screening will yield several benefits for the patient, including the following:

     Detect diseases sooner than later. The earlier the physician diagnoses your condition, the higher the treatment success rate.

     You can minimise the risks of complications, common for diseases like diabetes or high blood pressure.

     You can monitor your health better, avoiding the food that’s bad for you or tailoring an exercise regimen to improve your condition.

     You avoid the expensive medical costs later once you pass the tipping point for your disease to develop complications.

Finally, you take the reins of your life and ensure you enjoy your retirement age better rather than spending your twilight years in pain or recurring hospital visits.

What is Included in the Comprehensive Health Check?

You will undergo a battery of tests to determine your overall health condition. For instance, you will submit blood, stool, and urine tests. The health check Morden may include prostrate screening for men or a pap smear for women, cancer or sensory screening, and immunisation. You will also be subjected to an ECG for your heart or x-rays for your lungs, bones, joints, and internal organs.

Finally, after the exhaustive screening, you will present the lab tests to the physician, who will discuss the results after considering your lifestyle, family history, alcohol intake, cigarette use, or physical activity.    

The physician will also give you a thorough physical checkup to find lumps, growths, abnormal marks, fluids, wheezing, and other red flags.

The doctor may recommend additional tests to confirm a suspected anomaly depending on the findings.   

How Frequently Should I Get A Complete Health Check?

You should present yourself for a comprehensive health check Morden as early as possible, especially if your family has grappled with heart disease, diabetes, cancer, asthma, or Alzheimer’s. Unfortunately, you are predisposed to follow the same path without early intervention.

Medical experts agree that you should start getting a health check once you turn 20 years old. The frequency increases as you grow older.

You can book an appointment with Pearl Chemist Group for a complete health check to know your overall condition. Insurance covers the cost of the procedure if you are worried about the expenses.


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