When Should Emergency Contraception Be Used?

When Should Emergency Contraception Be Used

Emergency contraception is an auxiliary birth control that can be used or undertaken up to days following contraceptive failure or unprotected sex. For example, you might have heard about the morning-after pill. It's one method of backup substitute if you don't want to risk being pregnant.

According to the World Health Organization, emergency contraception has a success rate of 95% if taken within five days after intercourse so the user can avoid pregnancy.

The Guttmacher Institute revealed that the UK has around 545,000 unwanted pregnancies annually, and around 35% of these cases result in abortion. So regardless of whether the procedure is legal, you can certainly avoid that kind of trauma to your body when you visit an emergency contraception service in London.

When Do You Need Emergency Contraception?

A girl of reproductive age may avail of emergency contraception services to escape pregnancy. The best part is that there is no known medical contraindication when you use IUD, pills, or other methods.

There are several situations when you may need emergency contraception after sex, including the following:

     When you did not use any protection during intercourse

     When the condom breaks or you and your partner notice a slippage due to improper use

     When you take oral contraceptive pills late for more than three hours

     When you forget to take your oral contraceptive pills three consecutive times

      When it has been more than 12 hours since you are scheduled to take the desogestrel-containing pill (0.75 mg), or 36 hours, have passed after your last pill intake

  When you are a victim of a sexual assault and don't want to deal with the consequences, especially if the attacker does not have any protection

     When you and your partner think that the withdrawal method fails

     When you take the CIC or combined injectable contraceptive more than a week late

     If you are over a month late for taking the DMPA progesterone-only injection

     When your cervical cap or diaphragm dislodges or breaks

     When you miscalculate the days when you are supposed to be abstinent

     When the spermicide suppository fails to melt before you have sex

     If you are late in taking norethisterone enanthate (NET-EN) progestogen-only injection for more than 14 days

     When the IUD is improperly placed, or if the device expels before or during intercourse. While an IUD is 99% effective, and you can have sex without fear of getting pregnant for up to ten years, accidents do happen

There's no reason you won't avail of an emergency contraception service when the rates are affordable. Besides, granting that they are expensive, you can't put a price tag on peace of mind. So, book an appointment with Pearl Chemist Group to receive solid advice on avoiding getting pregnant.


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