How to Protect Yourself from COVID-19 During travelling?

How to Protect Yourself from COVID-19 During travelling

The U.K. was among the hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, with over 24 million cases and nearly 220,000 deaths. However, while the lockdowns have ended, it does not necessarily mean the danger has passed. For example, several countries today still require a negative PCR test for travel, even if most countries mostly discarded the need for such a requirement as a precondition for entry.

Fortunately, securing a PCR test for travel in Banstead is easy if you are from that area. The price is around £40.

But it’s recommended that you contact a travel clinic like Pearl Chemist Group to know if you also need other vaccinations before making that trip overseas.

Protecting Yourself While Travelling

After getting your negative PCR test for travel in Earlsfield, you must take note of the following tips to protect yourself from COVID-19:

     Research the country of destination to see the COVID numbers. But remember that the figures may be higher than advertised.

     Avoid crowds and keep your distance from others (six feet apart) as much as possible.

     Always carry a rubbing alcohol hand sanitiser with you (containing at least 60% alcohol). Better yet, prepare your hygiene kit, which includes extra masks, tissues or wet wipes.

   Avoid touching surfaces like the lift, door knobs, bus rails, etc. Depending on the surface, the virus may stay from hours to days. But that’s why you always bring alcohol or hand sanitiser with you.

     Wear a mask, which becomes your first layer of protection, especially indoors. Don’t take off the mask anytime on planes, buses, or public transportation. You don’t even remove the facial clothing when you go to the aircraft loo.

   Assume that everyone is a carrier, even if they do not show any symptoms. It’s better to be laughed at for being paranoid than get sick.

     Go outdoors as much as possible to have elbow room to stay a reasonable distance from the next person.

     Take your trip overseas as an opportunity to get a PCR test for travel, even if you think the destination country does not require it.

     Finally, get travel insurance. It does not cost much, but you will be grateful for the foresight in case some emergency occurs while you are in a strange land.

Of course, getting vaccinated is one of the ways to protect yourself from the virus while travelling. With your vaccine card, most countries won’t require you to present the PCR test for travel in London.

Understandably, some people are wary of vaccines, and no one can compel you to get a jab. However, you must visit travel clinic services like Pearl Chemist Group to know what you must do step-by-step to ensure you get home safely.


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