What is the purpose of a travel clinic?

Travelling abroad for the first time? Don't forget to visit a travel clinic weeks before your trip. Getting sick in another country can be costly and can ruin your travel plans. Find out how you can protect yourself and others.

Why visiting a travel clinic is essential?

Right travel clinics prepare you for your trip, especially if you're going to a country that has contagious diseases. In addition, health providers will recommend that you get a variety of vaccinations specific to the country you're visiting. Other reasons why it's essential to see a travel medical doctor are:

It saves you money and time

If you get sick on your trip, it does not only ruin your travel plans, but it can also bore a hole in your wallet. Additionally, you do not want to get sick when you return. Therefore you will need to know which signs to look out for when you feel sick from your trip.

Travel Clinic

You become equipped with the necessary medication

As soon as you inform your doctor which country you're visiting, you will be given instructions on how to care for yourself in case you get sick. Your doctor may also recommend that you get the proper vaccinations for prevalent illnesses and diseases present in that country. You will also learn how to manage common travelling health problems like motion sickness, diarrhoea, headaches and other things you might not think about.

Be more aware of food and water safety

When visiting a travel clinic, your health provider can inform you what to avoid regarding food and water. On top of the basic knowledge to minimize the spread of diseases, you also need to know what foods and water sources to avoid.

When should you visit a travel clinic?

Making an appointment two months before your trip gives you ample time for tests, medications, and additional preparations for your trip. So find a provider near you, one like the Pearl Chemist Group. They have multiple locations listed below:

·         Travel Clinic in Streatham

·         Travel Clinic in Morden

·         Travel Clinic in Tooting

·         Travel Clinic in London

·         Travel Clinic in Banstead

·         Travel Clinic in Wandsworth

Their team of health providers always works with travellers, so they can teach you what to do and what to avoid.


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