What is Emergency Contraception?

Emergency contraception (EC) are pills that can prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex or when the contraception you used failed. This contraception can be ingested within 3 or 5 days after intercourse, depending on which type you get.

What are the different types of EC?

There are two types:

The "morning after pill" or emergency contraception. This contraception can prevent up to 95% of pregnancies if taken within the recommended time frame of 3 days or 5 days.

What is Emergency Contraception

IUD or Intrauterine device. Copper-bearing IUDs are the most effective EC available, with 99% effectiveness. Since copper prevents the sperm from meeting with the egg, it also prevents implantation by coating the uterine wall with thick mucous.

When can emergency contraception be used?

  • You can use an emergency contraceptive in the following situations:
  • a condom breaks or slides off
  • missed doses of oral contraceptives
  • sexual assault in women who are not taking contraceptives
  • dislodged cervical cap

EC is not recommended for women who are taking oral contraceptives and for pregnant women.

How does it work?

Emergency contraceptive tablets delay ovulation. If you take it as soon as you have intercourse, its effectiveness is higher. However, if fertilisation and implantation have already happened, emergency contraception pills do not interfere with the pregnancy. 

On the other hand, Copper-bearing IUD is tauted as the most effective EC. If inserted within 120 hours or 5 days, its effectiveness is up to 99%. Furthermore, IUDs can last for some time. However, you will have to see your doctor for insertion and removal.

Can I buy emergency contraception anytime?

Yes, but only if you are 16 years or older. There is some emergency contraception you can buy without a prescription. Pharmacies like Pearl Chemist Group have knowledgeable pharmacists who can assist you with your needs. In addition, you can find emergency contraception in these locations:

·         Emergency Contraception in Wandsworth

·         Emergency Contraception in Streatham

·         Emergency Contraception in London 

In the future, you might also want to consider more sustainable contraceptives. Pharmacists at Pearl Chemist Group can recommend oral contraceptives. However, seeing your doctor should be necessary whenever you're considering contraception.


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