How Often Should You Feed Your Newborn Baby?
If you are a new parent, we know you will have plenty of questions about how to take care of a newborn baby. Remember that no matter how many books and lessons you take, each baby is unique, and caring for them can be affected by so many factors.
Let us focus on feeding
frequency first since feeding is necessary for a baby to grow and develop. An
established feeding routine will make life better for the new mom and baby.
The Common Methods of Feeding
On the other hand, if you
choose to formula feed, following the formula packaging instructions and
offering a newborn baby a bottle when they show signs of hunger is a must. A
hungry baby often shows it by rooting or sucking on their hands.
How Often to Feed the Newborn Baby
The NHS has stated that newborns should be fed on demand regardless of the method. It is important to know that babies have to be fed whenever they show signs of hunger, such as:
their mouth
their lips
their hands
on their hands
● Crying (which is a later sign of hunger)
According to the WHO,
newborn babies are usually fed at least 8 to 12 times daily. Lack of routine
and frequent feeding can affect your baby’s growth and development. Having a
regular feeding schedule promotes a good milk supply and prevents dehydration.
What Else Can You Do As a Newborn Parent?
are also responsible for looking for baby care products, such as bottles,
formula, or breast milk pumps. You can already buy baby care products online.
Luckily, Pearl Chemist Group offers many baby care products and the best baby
care products in the UK. Make your life easier as you have just had a newborn
baby, and shop online for all your baby care needs.
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