Are There Any Side Effects or Risks Associated with a PCR Test During Travel?

Are There Any Side Effects or Risks Associated with a PCR Test During Travel

Are you planning on leaving the UK soon? Some countries still require a PCR test for travel. Polymerase chain reactions are tests significantly used to detect the COVID-19 virus.

Nevertheless, any medical test has potential side effects and risks to consider. Let us go into the most common concerns about PCR tests.

The Possible Side Effects of PCR Test for Travel

PCR Test depends on the test kit you are using, you can either do a throat and nose swab or a nose swab only. This procedure is generally safe, and pain is tolerable, but here are a few potential side effects to keep in mind:

        There are rare cases during the swabbing process that can cause minor bleeding and irritation in the nasal cavity.

        Some people may experience a mild sore throat after the procedure, which can be due to irritation or the mucus slowly dripping down the back of the throat.

        A minor pain or discomfort if the swab kit is inserted deeply may be experienced during the swabbing process.

Most of these side effects are generally mild and temporarily experienced.

Other Potential Risks of PCR Test for Travel

In addition to the side effects, there are also a few potential risks associated with PCR tests for travel:

        PCR tests can produce false positive results at times. You may be told you have COVID-19 when you do not.

        PCR tests can also produce false negatives, meaning that you can also have COVID-19 when you have. As a result, you can also put others at risk of infection.

        Sometimes, PCR tests produce inconclusive results, and the tests may need to be done again. Experiencing this may cause delays in travel plans.

The best thing to do is to choose travel clinic services that are highly recommended and follow instructions very carefully. Taking another test to minimize doubts and avoid unnecessary stress is also advisable.

Where to Get a PCR Test for Travel?

PCR tests for travel are available at travel clinics or testing centres. Pearl Chemist Group offers travel clinic services. Get your PCR test for travel in Banstead, Earlsfield, and London.


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