What are Some Effective Methods of Contraception, and How do They Work to Prevent Pregnancy?

What are Some Effective Methods of Contraception

There are many methods of contraception to prevent pregnancy. Aside from that, they also help in preventing sexually transmitted infections like HIV. Sexual Health Clinics give proper guidance and explain all the contraceptives available. 

If you are not ready to raise a family with your partner or prevent yourself from contracting an infection, read below the most effective method of contraception and how it works. 


The Effective Methods of Contraception


·         Female Sterilisation – at 99% effectivity but does not protect you from STIs. It simply prevents the eggs from travelling down the fallopian tubes, which means eggs and sperm cannot meet. 


·       Male Sterilisation or Vasectomy – is a permanent procedure that stops sperm from getting to the semen, which means that eggs can’t be fertilised. 


·       Contraceptive pills- combined pills prevent ovaries from releasing eggs. 


·      Condoms – are made from latex rubber that specifically works to block out and prevent sperm from meeting an egg. 


·    Emergency Contraception – these are taken to stop and delay the release of an egg or the ovulation process. 


·       IUD – copper is released into the womb, which makes it hard for the sperm to reach an egg and survive. 


·      IUS – releases the hormone progestogen into the womb that thickens the cervical mucus, which makes it impossible for the sperm to go through the cervix. 


·    Contraceptive Implant - an effective method that releases the hormone progestogen into the bloodstream to prevent ovulation every month. 


·   Injection - is in the form of an injection that releases the hormone progestogen into the bloodstream to prevent monthly ovulation. 


Where is a Sexual Health Clinic Located? 


A Sexual Health Clinic has a GP to give the most effective contraceptive advice to follow according to your current body condition, circumstances and other factors to consider. 


Pearl Chemist Group has clinics all over London. They are located in Earlsfield, Epsom, Streatham, and in Morden. So keep yourself well-informed and prepared to visit a Sexual Health Clinic in London


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