How Do You Choose the Right Hayfever Nasal Spray for Your Symptoms?

 How Do You Choose the Right Hayfever Nasal Spray for Your Symptoms

In the UK, hay fever is worst between late March to September when the pollen count is very high. It is the season where it is warm, humid and windy, and the wind carries pollens from plants.

The Hayfever symptoms are sneezing, runny or blocked nose, watery eyes, itchy throat, wheezing and coughing. Unfortunately, hay fever lasts for weeks and months, unlike the regular flu, which improves after 1 to 2 weeks.

The Do’s and Don’t’s To Prevent Contracting Hayfever

We can take some preventive measures first to avoid pollen, dust and moulds from contacting our nose, eyes, throat and mouth. The following is some advice are:

·         Wear wraparound sunglasses

·         Shower, change clothes and segregate clothes used outside

·         Stay indoors when there is no need to go out

·         Clean and vacuum regularly

·         Keep windows and doors closed if possible

·         Purchase a pollen filter for your home and car

·         Put Vaseline around your nostrils

·         Do not smoke and go to smoking areas

·         Avoid pets from getting in the house, as they can also be pollen carriers

Hayfever Treatments

Sometimes, it is beyond our control, no matter how hard we try to avoid Hayfever. When we are already experiencing the symptoms, the best thing we can do is to relieve ourselves from annoying allergic reactions immediately by doing the following:

1.Take Antihistamines for allergic reaction

2.Take allergy and hayfever tablets

3.Use hayfever nasal spray like Pirinase Hayfever Nasal Spray 60 Dose

4.Take over-the-counter medicines such as Baconase Hayfever Relief

The Right Hayfever Nasal Spray

 Knowing the best nasal spray for you should have the following criteria:

·         Has safe and all- natural ingredients

·         It must be sea-water based

·         Rich in minerals

·         Free from drugs, preservatives and steroids

·         Suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers

Prevent Hayfever Now

In the UK, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, most people are anxious that hay fever can be mistaken as a symptom of Covid-19.

Sadly, almost 50% of the population is suffering from hayfever condition. Manage your Hayfever signs and symptoms and prevent having Hayfever by stocking up on hayfever nasal spray and tablets. Purchase them online at Pearl Chemist Group. 


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