Is Ibuprofen the Same as Paracetamol?

Is Ibuprofen the Same as Paracetamol

There are differences and similarities between both products. We can get into the details as you go through reading this. Clearly understand and distinguish the UK's two most common over-the-counter medicines.

What is ibuprofen?  

We can take this painkiller product with and without a prescription. It can help relieve you of pain from fever, sprains, colds, body flu, back pain, period pain, toothache, and even arthritis. You can buy over-the-counter ibuprofen, but sometimes, a prescription is needed especially concerning high dosages.

Children under 17 are allowed to take ibuprofen to ease ear infection pain, sore throat, swelling, pain injury, headache, teething, colds, flu, and coronavirus. Ibuprofen comes in different forms like tablets, capsules, liquid and gels, mousse, spray, chewable, liquid and even granules.

The kidneys are responsible for metabolising ibuprofen.

What is paracetamol?

Paracetamol is also a painkiller; simultaneously, it can reduce high temperatures. You can also take this medicine with another anti-sickness drug. The effect of this medicine usually takes an hour. Both adults and children can take this medicine with the correct dosage.

You can also buy paracetamol from a regular chemist's shop with or without a prescription. The forms of paracetamol are tablets, capsules, syrup, and powder mixed with water and suppositories.

The liver, on the other hand, metabolises paracetamols. 

What are the similarities and differences between paracetamol from ibuprofen?

They are painkillers that we commonly use, and they can both be effective in helping reduce pain and fever.

The main difference is that ibuprofen can reduce inflammation, and paracetamol reduces high temperatures. Both have side effects and differences in how the body processes and breaks them down.

Stay Prepared, Stock up on Ibuprofen and Paracetamol

The common illnesses we encounter are pains, injuries, colds, flu and fever.

We do not usually rush into the hospital when we feel these symptoms. Instead, we see taking paracetamols and ibuprofen as our first aid.

Suppose there are no relief and changes within a certain period. In that case, medical professionals strictly urge us to consult with them to prevent further damage to our body and give us proper medication and treatment.

Whatever the situation, learn to prepare for yourself, your family or your little kids. Purchase ibuprofen or paracetamol online before you forget.

Pearl Chemist Group carries various brands, such as vantage and Nurofen tablets, which come in 200 and 400mg. There is also a wide variety of paracetamol brands for children and adults.

Order your preferred ibuprofen and paracetamol tablets online for convenience.


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