How Do You Know If You Have Arthritis or Joint Pain | Arthritis Treatment

  You Have Arthritis or Joint Pain

Millions of the UK population experience difficulty due to joint pain or arthritis. This condition is evident not only for the older population but also for children.

Most of us have no idea if the discomfort and pain we feel are due to these two culprits. 

Let us take a deeper look at knowing what the difference, similarities, symptoms, and treatments are and how we can get instant relief from this problematic condition. 

What is arthritis pain?  

Arthritis is a condition where we can feel inflammation and pain in the joint sections. This condition has no age bracket. It can come from children, mid-40s to older people. 

Know that there are a lot of various types of arthritis, such as:


        Rheumatoid arthritis and other related conditions 

        Oligo arthritis 


        Enthesitis-related arthritis 

The most affected areas are the hips, knees, spine and hands. In some cases, there is swelling and breaking of bones. 

The symptoms of arthritis are:

        Mainly stiffness and pain in the joints.

        Inflammation around the joints.

        Restricted movements.

        Warm red skin on the joints and weakness of the muscle. 

What is joint pain? 

We can experience joint pain as expected as our bodies get old. We can feel pain in 1 or 2 different joints simultaneously. 

The common types of pain are from the knee, shoulder, hip, foot including ankle and toes, hands including the wrists and fingers, and neck and elbow pain. 

For the symptoms, sometimes there are swelling, bruising, stiffness, and warmth around the affected area. The pain level even worsens when the areas are pressed or moved. 

We often observe this if there are sudden changes in temperature, too hot or too cold. 

How can you prevent having joint or arthritis pain? 

There are things to DO and DON’T.  


        Rest the affected area

        Use cold compress 

        Take tablets to manage the pain 

        Exercise with caution and try to lose weight if you are overweight 


        Carry heavy objects

        Stop moving the affected joints  

What is the easiest way to feel relief from the pain? 

The general advice is to seek professional guidance, especially if you know your condition already.

However, if you are still under observation for your condition or have no official diagnosis, there are so many tablets, pills, and creams for joint pains that alleviate the pain. 

You may try all the possible first aid and home treatments and if the pain does not go away and stays longer, then consult a physician. 

All of their joint pain products are available online from Pearl Chemist Group. This online chemist shop offers the best tablets, pills and cream formulations from the most affordable to the most well-known brands. 


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