Health Benefits of Taking Emergency Contraception


Health Benefits of Taking Emergency Contraception
Health Benefits of Taking Emergency Contraception

Emergency contraceptives are often discouraged or are avoided by women as they are said to be dangerous. But that is just a myth! Emergency contraceptives are not harmful and have no profound long-term effect. The use of the emergency contraceptive pill has no medical contraindications and can be used at any age.

Emergency contraceptives are said to decrease the fertility rate or harm fertility, but that is not true. In fact, there are various benefits of emergency contraceptives which we have mentioned below.

Prevent Unwanted Pregnancy

Emergency contraceptives are used to prevent unwanted pregnancy. These can be used after sexual intercourse or within five days. But the sooner you take it, the more effective they are.

These pills prevent pregnancy by preventing or delaying ovulation. And contrary to popular belief, these pills do not cause abortion.

The IUD in these pills prevents fertilization by causing a chemical change in sperm and egg and is met. But these pills are not effective if the embryo is already developing.

Situations To Use In

Emergency contraceptives can be used in various situations that can lead to unwanted pregnancy—the use of EC in common conditions where there is a concern of possible contraceptive failure. These situations could be missing birth control pills for days in a row or incorrect use of condoms or breakage. Other than this, Emergency contraceptive pills are used in situations in which no contraceptive is used during intercourse.

Emergency contraceptives also come to the rescue in sensitive situations where a woman is sexually assaulted and was not protected by an effective contraceptive method.

If there might be a risk of possible pregnancy, make sure you immediately visit your nearest emergency contraceptive service. They will provide you with the right pills according to your situation.

Key Takeaway

Emergency Contraceptives act like a plan B to prevent pregnancy after having unprotected intercourse. Emergency contraceptive pills have been said to prevent 95% of pregnancies if taken within five days, giving you a second chance. There are two types of EC pills available in the market. To choose the right one for yourself, visit the emergency contraceptive service in London. They can adequately guide and prescribe you the right pill as per your situation.


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