Is Ear Wax Good for You?

Our body's way of preventing dirt from getting deeper into our bodies is by generating sticky substances like ear wax and mucus to trap dirt and bacteria. Regular exposure to dust and other foreign particles increases the chances of infection, so having a good production of ear wax help prevent it. However, overproduction and not regularly cleaning your ears create blockages in your ear canal, impairing your hearing. Therefore, you need ear wax removal to gain back your hearing volume.

When you clean your ears with improper tools, ear wax can be pushed deeper into the ear canal, causing impacted cerumen or hard, sticky ear wax buildup. Dealing with hardened ear wax can be unsafe and may cause permanent hearing damage.


What is impacted cerumen?

When cerumen or ear wax is not cleared regularly, it can become impacted- hard and sticky. In this state, ear wax removal can become complicated because the cerumen is stuck to the sides of the ear canal and may hurt when moved. 

Ear Wax Removal

Do we need to have ear wax removal done regularly? 

Ideally, if you don't have ear wax buildup, you don't need this service. However, as mentioned above, impacted cerumen blocks your auditory canal and removing it on your own is tricky. In addition, you might accidentally poke your eardrums or damage the canal lining, which can get infected and impair your hearing temporarily or permanently.


Who needs it?

If you are experiencing pain in one or both ears, seek immediate medical help. Your doctor has the tools to see inside your ears clearly and can create an action plan to solve your problem. 


Other signs that your ears are blocked are:

-ringing in the ears


-pressure in your ear

-sudden hearing loss


Don't worry if you are experiencing any of these symptoms. See your ear doctor or contact Pearl Chemist Group for their ear wax removal service in any part of the UK. Their multiple clinics across the country are equipped with a trained and experienced team of technicians. So if you're looking for Ear Wax Removal in Streatham or Ear Wax Removal in Wimbledon, book an appointment with them here. It's easy! The Pearl Chemist Group also have branches in other parts of the UK:


·         Morden

·         Merton

·         Banstead

·         Tolworth


Trained technicians have special tools that suction foreign matter and hardened ear wax. The procedure is fast and easy.


How to care for ears?

Once you have your ear wax removal service, technicians will check if your hearing is restored. They will also teach you how to avoid getting your ears blocked again in the future. 


Impacted cerumen prevention is easy. All you need is to avoid using cotton buds to clear out cerumen. Instead, clean the outer ear with a damp cloth and wait for the ear wax to fall naturally. 


If you still suffer from ear wax buildup, speak with your pharmacist. They can recommend medications to dissolve earwax. However, talk to your GP if you have a damaged eardrum before using anything.


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