What are the Pros and Cons of an Emergency Contraceptive Pill?


What are the Pros and Cons of an Emergency Contraceptive Pill?
What are the Pros and Cons of an Emergency Contraceptive Pill?

Having protected sex is a wise choice to avoid unwanted pregnancy; however, protection measures like condoms are not promising since there's always a chance of leakage. And that's when the emergency contraceptive pill comes in.

An emergency contraceptive pill shows
95% of effectivity when taken within 24 hours of having unprotected sex. However, there's always a chance of side effects and ineffectiveness in certain instances.

Having said that, let's further highlight the pros and cons of an emergency conceptive pill to weigh its effectiveness

What is an Emergency Contraception Pill?

An emergency contraceptive pill is a protective measure prescribed for women to take as soon as possible in the case of protection failure or having unprotected sex. Emergency contraception works by shielding against sperm to avoid fertilisation in the ovaries.

Emergency Contraception Benefits


Emergency contraceptive pills like ellaOne are 95% more effective than Levonelle and other protective measures like condoms. So, you can always rely on these pills after unprotected sex.

Although you might experience minor side effects from the emergency contraceptive pill, there's no proven evidence of severe reactions to it. So, it is a much safer contraceptive option.

Easily Found

You can find emergency contraceptive pills from almost every pharmacy, including online pharmacies in the Uk. Moreover, there's also an emergency contraception Service in London available for you at all times.

No Side Effects for Fetus

Although emergency contraceptives like ellaOne work effectively if taken within 24 hours of having sex, they may fail if you exceed the time limit. However, even if you get pregnant after having these pills, there's no risk for the fetus.

Emergency Contraception Risk

   It may not be suitable for women on epilepsy medication, having liver problems, severe PCOs. However, you need a consultation before taking ECP.

   It may lose effectivity if you take it five days after having sex.

Key Takeaway

The emergency contraceptive pill is an effective protection measure if taken according to your doctor's prescriptions to avoid the risk associated with it.


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