The Importance of the Flu Vaccine In 2021

The Importance of the Flu Vaccine In 2021

The flu is a contagious disease that causes infection of the nose, throat or lungs. It is caused by a group of viruses called influenza viruses. The infection can be mild to severe and in rare cases, can be fatal. Flu, also known as influenza, is the most common yet the most contagious disease and occurs in seasonal epidemics. The time of the year in which a flu epidemic occurs is known as the flu season, and it is usually in the winters or the fall season. The flu is transmitted by airborne droplets, which are formed due to coughing, sneezing or talking of infected people, which can be easily inhaled by a healthy person.

The flu can also become a pandemic, which usually occurs due to a new strain of the influenza virus which is much more evolved as compared to other influenza viruses. Since people are not vaccinated for the new strain of the virus, it has the potential to spread from one country to another in a matter of weeks. The only reason why seasonal flu epidemics don’t become worldwide pandemics is that a majority of people get their flu shots regularly every single year.

Even in normal circumstances getting the flu shot is extremely important as it can protect not only you and your family but also you don’t have to play a part in the spread of an easily preventable disease due to which the government has to spend millions of dollars on healthcare. In 2021, getting the flu shot is even more important because flu can weaken your immune system and can improve the chances of you getting COVID-19.

Benefits of Getting the Flu Shot

       It protects you from the unpleasant symptoms of flu.

       It protects the people around you.

       Even if you get the flu, the symptoms will be very mild.

When Is The Best Time To Get The Flu Vaccine?

The flu vaccine takes about two weeks to develop immunity against the virus. And the flu season usually begins in December but it can start as early as September. So, it is best to get your flu vaccine in the third week of August.

Be a responsible member of society and get yourself and your family vaccinated. Visit the Earlsfield Pharmacy owned by the Pearl Chemist Group to get your flu vaccine today.


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