10 Things I Learned After Giving Up Smoking for a Month

The advantages of packing up smoking has led to some amazing benefits, which can be felt in just a few days. Although the results may differ from one person to another, here is my experience on how my life changed (for the better) after I quit smoking for a month. 1. Impatience Is Not Your Friend If you are expecting a magical transformation, you are not going to get one. Impatience is your enemy when it comes to packing up smoking. Letting go of a habit that has carried for most of your adult life is not going to just disappear in a month. Be patient and think of smoking cessation as a process and not just an event. 2. Quit Junkie Thinking It’s natural to think about cigarettes all the time when you stop smoking, as it is a withdrawal symptom from nicotine. Don’t beat yourself up. Don’t panic and take it one day at a time. 3. Stop Being Negative According to experts at Pearl Chemist...