Why it is important to have a full body check up?

Why it is important to have a full body check up?

Gone are the days when full body checkups were restricted only when doctors suspected some odds in the health of their patients. Full body checkups are like a trend on the rise these days as they are important for diagnosing potential health risks and eliminating them before they pose a threat. An annual full body check-up helps the doctor to assess one's general health on a regular basis. With the health centres in the UK being one of the best in the world, Health check Morden, helps you keep a track of your health effectively.

Some benefits of full-body check-up include:

       Gives us a proper insight as to how fit we are internally.  A regular health check-up is advised to almost everyone above the age of 35.

       A full body check is of the utmost importance especially in the cases pertaining to critical and fatal diseases like cancer. There's an added advantage of diagnosing it in the early stages and eliminating it completely.

       Teamed up with a combination of right health service complete body check-up, there's nothing stopping one from increasing their life spans effectively that too with a healthier one.

       Reduces the risk of potential diseases posing a threat by early detection.

       Improves the scope for treatment and cure.

       Limits the risk of complication by close monitoring.

       The concept of routine check-up overtime may help you save a lot on medical expenses.

       Increases life span and reduces the scope of getting sick, they open the gateway to a healthy and carefree life.

What to expect?

The medical check-up list, all in all, contains variations but the main tests are listed below:

       Blood, urine, lipid profile tests

       Cardiac system: Chest X-Ray, ECG & 2D Echocardiography, CT Coronary Angiography (Heart).

       Vitamin Check, CT Calcium Scoring

       Abdominal and pelvis ultrasonography.

       Thyroid Function Tests, Kidney Function Test, Liver Function tests, Pulmonary Lung Function tests.

       Diabetes tests, Hepatitis B tests

       Total body fat percentage

       Eye Checkup


       CT Screening of Neck Vessels (Carotid)

       Bone Mineral Densitometry (BMD)

       Sono-mammography & Pap smear


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