Is Influenza a serious condition?

Is Influenza a serious condition?

Doctors usually prescribes everyone to get the flu vaccines to prevent the influenza virus from attacking them. Type A (most common and most severe), B and C (least common, can affect humans and pigs) are the three types of the Influenza virus that can affect human beings. But is influenza all that serious. The short answer is yes. Influenza or flu if ignored can be as serious as being fatal.

If you are looking for a flu vaccination in Earlsfield, visit the nearest Pearl Chemist Group, a South London based fast expanding pharmacy group. You can also book a visit online by visiting their website:

Flu symptoms and treatment

The flu symptoms show up very quickly as the virus rapidly multiply in human bodies especially if you have not taken the flu vaccination. Flu symptoms in adults can include a fever usually above 38 degrees centigrade, body ache, tiredness which borders exhaustion for no apparent reason, sore throat and a dry cough, an upset or aching stomach, loss of appetite and sickness. In children, additional symptoms of influenza may include pain in the ear and dullness or lethargy. Stages of the flu include exhaustion, muscle ache, fever and cold from day 1 to day 3. From Day 4 onwards you are already recovering as the fever starts to come down, sore throat persists but is getting better, you start to feel better and by day 7 you are on the road to a full recovery, however you must still exercise caution.

Young children, pregnant women, heart patients, older adults over 65 years of age are most susceptible and vulnerable to the flu virus.

Ibuprofen helps deal with reduction in pain and keeps the temperature in check. Paracetamol works to the same effect. Pharmacies can help with early on symptoms. Pharmacists usually help with adequate advice and recommend medicines for immediate relief. Enough rest and sleep, with higher consumption of liquids like water, soup, are needed to treat the flu and to help prevent dehydration. Also keep warm and keep away from a large gathering of people as the flu is highly contagious. It is especially dangerous for those with pre-identified health conditions as their immune systems are already weak. Flu spreads from coughing and sneezing with thousands of micro droplets released in the air containing the influenza virus. The virus stays active on surfaces up to 24 hours, which is why washing hands and sanitizing is especially important in flu like conditions. Touching a contaminated surface and then touching eye or mouth can transfer the virus in the blood stream. The best prevention however is to get the influenza vaccine jab every year. You protect not just yourself but also lives of others may be saved. December to March is the peak flu season. The best time to get vaccinated is just before the onset of the flu season. TIV and LAIV are the two commonly prescribed vaccines for preventing the flu. Consult your physician or GP or your regular pharmacy for best advice to get the vaccine administered. You can save your life and the life of others by a simple injection.


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