The Benefits of Monitored Dosage Systems

monitored dosage system

A monitored dosage system (MDS) is also known as blister packing. It is a medication storage device, specially designed to simplify the administration of solid oral drugs to patients. MDS ensures that patients with different ailments hardly skip their medication. Various types of MDS exist, and the choice depends on the intended use.

The use of this system in the medical field has lately evoked mixed reactions, given its pros and cons. Here are some of the benefits that accrue to parties using MDS:

·         Easy Accessibility
With an MDS, patients can take their dose without much hassle. This system provides an efficient storage solution for solid medicine. As such, patients can forget about frequent pharmacy visits. For instance, a nomad monitored dosage system has transparent trays and seals which ensure that patients easily access their medication in the best state.

·         Acts as a Memory Aid
MDS are useful memory aids, especially for visually impaired patients and forgetful patients. Small-sized MDS makes it easy to follow the required dosage of the solid oral drugs. With stacks of medication, patients may forget to take one set of drugs. MDS eliminates such hassle and therefore reduces the risks associated with skipping medication.

·         Easy Monitoring by Pharmacists
Most pharmacists prepare the MDS packs for patients regularly. Such a monitored dosage system pharmacy may help the pharmacist monitor the medication usage of a patient. It may, therefore, be an indicator of the patient’s progress and whether they require a change of medication.

·         Eliminates Unnecessary Hospital Admission
MDS that adhere to the NHS dosage system ensure that patients take the right medication at the right time. Such adherence helps prevent complications that develop from skipping medication, under or overdosing. It also helps families keep their patients at home rather than care home since the administration of drugs is easy and more organized.

·         Overall Well-Being of Patients
With proper medication comes faster recovery from ailments. The monitored dosage systems guidance is easy to follow and helps patients stick to their medication. As such, this medication eliminates a patient’s illness and restores their well-being. Further, the use of MDS may prevent the reoccurrence of diseases as patients take their medication to the last dosage. 


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