Tips for Managing Diarrhoea

Diarrhoea symptoms

                            Diarrhoea causes three or more loose, watery stools a day, is common and can be classified as acute, persistent, or chronic. It is quite a common symptom of major infections that you may catch while travelling. Getting vaccinated before travelling from any reputed travel clinic in Tooting or travel clinic in Wimbledon is a wise choice.

Causes of diarrhoea
Viral infections cause most cases of diarrhoea. Diarrhoea symptoms include frequent, watery bowel movements, abdominal cramps, and mild fever. Viral diarrhoea generally lasts approximately three to seven days. Rotavirus, Adenovirus and Norovirus are the common causes of diarrhoea. Bacterial infections cause more severe cases of infectious diarrhoea. Typically, infection with bacteria occurs after eating contaminated food or drinks (food poisoning).

Parasites, reaction to certain medications, intolerance to allergic foods, alcohol abuse, Diabetic diarrhoea, etc. are among the few other causes of diarrhoea.

Helpful Hints for Controlling Diarrhea
     Individuals vary in their tolerance to foods. Avoid foods which cause cramping, gas or diarrhoea.

     If you have cramps, avoid foods which may produce gas such as carbonated drinks, beans, beer, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, highly spiced foods and chewing gum.

     Food at room temperature may be better tolerated than hot or cold foods.

     Diarrhoea can lead to dehydration associated with loss of essential minerals. Replace fluid and minerals with liquids such as water, broth, fruit juices, sports beverages and popsicles.

     Potassium is an essential element for your body. It may be lost in great quantities through diarrhoea. If you don't have enough potassium, you may feel weak. When you have diarrhoea, eat some foods high in potassium, such as ripe bananas, peach nectar or apricot, potatoes, fish and meat.

     Drink fluids between your meals.

     Fatty foods like fried foods, sauces, gravies and salad dressings and highly spiced foods may not be well tolerated. Cutting down on these foods may help control diarrhoea.

     Eat small amounts of food frequently.

     Avoid foods or juices which have a laxative effect such as prunes and prune juice.

     If you don't drink milk regularly, avoid dairy products when you have diarrhoea.

Use well-cooked, tender meats such as tender cuts of baked, broiled, creamed or roasted beef, lamb, liver and pork as well as chicken, fish, crisp bacon and smooth peanut butter.


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