What are the Risks of Removing Ear Wax Improperly?

Ear wax is not entirely bad. It is the body's natural way to protect the ears from getting infections. However, too much ear wax production and irregular ear hygiene may cause blockages, damaging your ear canal and eardrums. Some people think using cotton swabs, paperclips, and the like can help clear out blockages in the ear. But that is not the case since these ear wax removal methods do more harm than good. Risks Doing ear wax removal at home is risky. It's hard to know if your ears make too much ear wax. Only medical professionals can tell that you do because they have the tools to look into your ears. In addition, trying to clear your ears of wax may push the cerumen deeper and compact it. Impacted cerumen is one of the leading causes of earaches and infections. Using cotton swabs and bobby pins, push the wax further and make it stick to the ear canal more. Needless to say, it increases the risk of accidentally poking your eardrums. Avoid ear wax removal if you ha...