What is chickenpox and why do we vaccinate against it?

Chickenpox is a disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus, the same virus that causes shingles in older adults. It’s extremely contagious and can easily spread from person to person. This can be through direct contact with the blisters, mucus, or saliva of someone who is infected. It can also be spread through droplets in the air created by coughing or sneezing. Who is at Risk from Chickenpox? People of any age can catch chickenpox, but most cases occur in children. Children who catch it tend to have milder symptoms than adults or in people who are considered high risk. High risk groups include the elderly, pregnant women, those with compromised immune systems, and newborns. High risk groups are more likely to experience more severe symptoms. They may even develop serious complications that can cause life-changing symptoms or even death. Chickenpox Symptoms At first, those infected will feel a bit like they have a cold. These symptoms include a low-grade fever, sinus conge...