Know the Facts: Emergency Contraception

Emergency contraception service is essential for preventing pregnancy after having unprotected sex or in event of a failed contraceptive method, for example when you have missed a pill or the condom has split during sex. In this article, you can learn more about how you can avail the services of emergency contraception to avoid getting pregnant. Facts about Emergency Contraception 1. One of the most important facts about emergency contraception is that there is more than one kind of emergency contraception available and can be sourced from the emergency contraception service . They consist of the morning after pill or an emergency IUD or intrauterine device, also called the emergency coil. 2. One of the most intrinsic facts about morning after pill is that it needs to taken within 3-5 days of having unprotected sex in order for it to be effective. The sooner you take the pill, the more effective its effects wil...