How Covid-19 affects Women’s Sexual Health?

The novel Corona virus that has shook the world in a very short span of time, does not discriminate between the human beings it affects. However, gender seems to be playing a role in how it multiplies and kills a man and woman. Covid-19 virus affects men and women differently. It has been seen that the virus affects both men and women equally but the responses after entering the two different bodies is quite different. In men, the virus is seen to have more devastating effects than in women. The difference is due to the hormone – Oestrogen or Estrogens produced in women. The hormone makes it difficult for the virus to replicate in the cell. Conversely, Corona virus has affected women differently as the societal norms towards women are discriminatory and deliberately harmful towards women. Being stuck in a lockdown imposed due to the virus makes her more at risk of being impregnated or subjugated to other sorts of violence. Healthy sex practices have seen a down low due to the lack of...